2007年11月1日 星期四

Homework 3

Mt english enhancement plan which i am doing
1~wathcing english movie and drama------> my english level still can't get all the content of their conversation,cuz i not a native speaker,but still get moslty meaning.i choose the english as the subtitle,this will help me learn more words and understand what they have been saying.
2~reading english book and magazine----->this will to learn more vocabulary and obtain futher idea on writing.
3~listening to english song----->i like to listening song, no only mandarin,but also english,japaniese,cantoniese and hokkien. i learn many from song,cuz it is a interest,so will be happy and willing to it,unconsciously have gain many words and sentence.

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Nice trip to Wulai, keep on blogging . dsf